
Address lookups

Verify and collect user's legal addresses with eID authentication. Provide your users with a faster onboarding experience, ensure compliance with industry regulations, and reduce the risk of identity fraud.


Address lookups can be added to our eID authentication product.

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Acquire your users' legal addresses with eIDs

The addresses are collected from an authoritative database and the users' identities are securely connected to the registered address. If you're already using Criipto, you can add Address lookups to your existing eID authentication flow with MitID, MitID Erhverv, Swedish BankID, and Norwegian BankID.

This lets you securely collect addresses while leaving the user experience intact.

Image address look-up

eIDs that support Address lookups

DK-Mitid_fixed height_brand

Danish MitID

Collect Danish addresses from Det Centrale Personregister.

Learn more about MitID
2eID=DK-Mitid erhverv, Color=Brand

MitID Erhverv

Collect Danish addresses from Det Centrale Personregister.

Learn more about MitID Erhverv
e-id=se bankid, mode=color, shape=square, Fixed proportions=False, Size=sm

Swedish BankID

Collect Swedish addresses from Statens personadressregister (SPAR).

Learn more about Swedish BankID
NO-Bankid_fixed height_brand

Norwegian BankID

Collect Norwegian addresses from the Norwegian Tax Administration (Skatteetaten).

Learn more about Norwegian BankID

Faster onboarding

Make onboarding easier and faster for your users. Address lookups with eIDs lets you collect addresses without adding extra steps to the customer journey.

Comply with regulations

Ensure compliance with industry regulations that require user addresses, like KYC/AML and DAC7.

Accurate information

Address lookups help confirm a person’s identity. Reduce the risk of fraud and users accidentally typing in the wrong address.

How others use Address lookups

How others use Address lookups

KYC compliant

Ensure KYC compliance

Banks, insurance companies, and financial services must acquire user address data to ensure KYC and AML compliance to prevent dealing with sanctioned countries, blacklisted individuals, or politically exposed persons (PEP).

Address lookups is also critical in preventing identity fraud. It helps to protect your real users while reducing the risk of fake accounts.

DAC7 compliance

Verify addresses in accordance with DAC7

Any digital platform that connects sellers with buyers must collect the seller’s address to comply with the EU’s DAC7 regulation. This requirement affects businesses like online marketplaces, car rental platforms, and food delivery services.

Address lookups with eIDs also help platforms ensure trust by reducing the risk of fraud.

Through Criipto's developer support and simple integration, we were able to implement Address lookups and comply with DAC7 in no time
Patrick Reck
Digital Development Manager

Ready to get started with Address lookups?

Discuss your needs with an expert and learn how to get started.

Discuss your needs with an expert and learn how to get started.

See how Address lookups works with eIDs

Address lookups with eIDs, such as MitID, are included without adding extra steps for the users. The authentication process stays the same.

Address lookups in Europe

Explore each country's data source of citizens' legal addresses.


Get a full overview of national address databases in Europe >


Det Centrale Personregister provides the addresses of Danish citizens, connected to their CPR numbers.


Statens personadressregister (SPAR) provides the addresses of Swedish citizens.


The Norwegian Tax Administration, Skatteetaten provides the addresses of Norwegian citizens.


 The Finnish Population Information System provides the addresses of Finnish residents.


Registre National (National Register) provides the addresses of Belgian residents.

The Netherlands

Basisregistratie Personen (BRP) provides the addresses of Dutch residents.

Want to get started with Address lookups?

Discuss your needs with an expert.


Discuss your needs with an expert.


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