Contact us
Want to know how Criipto can help your business?
Get in touch with our identity experts to discuss your needs.
We can help you:
- Evaluate pricing plans and pick the best one for your business
- Identify relevant authentication and digital signature solutions
- Integrate eIDs on your site or app
Contact Criipto directly
- for technical help and onboarding
- for business enquiries and pricing
- for billing and invoices
- Chat directly with our developers in the Slack technical support channel.
Contact us
Want to know how Criipto can help your business?
Get in touch with our identity experts to discuss your needs.
We can help you:
- Evaluate pricing plans and pick the best one for your business
- Identify relevant authentication and digital signature solutions
- Integrate eIDs on your site or app
Contact Criipto directly
- for technical help and onboarding
- for business enquiries and pricing
- for billing and invoices
- Chat directly with our developers in the Slack technical support channel.
Book a 1-on-1 with our European authentication expert
Anne Taranger Gjesdahl is our Head of Sales. She has extensive experience within authentication and digital signature solutions for Norwegian and Swedish BankID, Danish MitID, and several other European eIDs.
Anne can:
- Showcase our solutions in action
- Provide tailored advice for large enterprise / high-volume deals
- Discuss and advise on the best pricing plans