Hygglo: Verifying users for a safe sharing economy

Sometimes we are in need of certain things but do not necessarily have the time, money, or the want to buy them. Hygglo allows people to rent out and borrow other people’s things over a peer-to-peer rental platform.

An idea that is highly based on trust and security since people who rent their things out to others want to be sure that they get them back. The key to making this work lies in ensuring the real identities of the users. To create trust between the renters. Hygglo’s mission is to create a sharing economy through the usage of people’s things and belongings that they already have at home. The platform also focuses on creating a more sustainable environment through the reuse of things and aims to positively change society in becoming more social and helpful.

Founded in 2016, Hygglo is the largest peer-to-peer rental company in Europe and is reliant on high-quality authentications of its users. Hygglo has used Criipto’s digital identity solution and integrated the electronic identities (eIDs) Finnish Trust Network (FTN) in Finland and MitID in Denmark to help verify their users and ensure trust in the platform.

The challenge

Hygglo was first launched in Sweden and has always requested users to identify themselves with their personal eID - the success of the platform relies on it. Therefore, Hygglo needed an efficient eID solution in order to get going when the platform first launched in Finland and Denmark. According to Product Manager and Co-founder Henrik Fräsén, a secure authentication flow on the platform is crucial to ensure trust:

“User authentications are extremely important for us since credit reports and identification is what we base the trust to the platform on”

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Easily search for the items you want to rent on Hygglo's platform.


The solution

Criipto provided Hygglo with an effective integration of FTN and MitID so that the peer-to-peer platform could instantly start verifying their users from the day of the launch.

“Being able to rent your things out to someone, and to be sure that you will get them back, is one of the mainstays of what Hygglo is, so high-level verification is extremely important. This is what Criipto provides through the various identification solutions that are available” 

The solution has also been straightforward since the implementation of MitID and FTN has been done through one single integration with Criipto.

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The result

With Criipto’s authentication solution, Hygglo’s Finnish and Danish users have been able to register and log in to the platform easily to start renting things in a secure, environmental, and trusted manner. Furthermore, Fräsén also mentions that the technical documentation and support by Criipto has not only helped Hygglo to get started but also in maintaining and optimizing the function of the eIDs used after integration.

“I have received very good and personal answers from Criipto’s support. The quality has been very high”

Integrate eID authentication with Criipto

Criipto supplies companies with seamless and effective integration of several national eIDs to allow their users to authenticate themselves or digitally sign documents on their app or site. Hygglo has integrated our authentication solution on their Finnish and Danish sites, where the implementation of eIDs in several different countries is possible with one single integration.

We provide companies and organizations from Finland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Belgium and the Netherlands with various eID and digital identity solutions. Read more about our customers and how they use Criipto here.

Are you interested in authenticating your users with eIDs? Get in touch with an eID expert to learn more or sign up for a free account.

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