Defero: It must be free to access your own data.

Defero is offering Norwegians and Swedes to gain insights into their own credit rating to help them negotiate better interest rates and obtain the healthiest debt.

CEO Eigil Arff Tarjem has worked for several years with credit management, and he is the founder of Defero. A platform that provides Norwegians and Swedes with the same data set that their bank gets when they evaluate the customer's worthiness of credit.
“When you apply for a loan, the bank will gather data on your creditworthiness and assess whether they are willing to give you a loan and at what interest - or not. The higher risk, the higher interest,” Eigil Arff Tarjem explains and adds:
“Many people don’t even know this report exists. They have no relation to it, and therefore, of course, they cannot use it to negotiate the interest they are justified to.”

Interests are too high

Especially among the older generation, the interest is too high compared to the risk.
“Our parents’ generation has been used to a very high interest, and for them, 4 % might feel low, but maybe their credit rating score says 1 %, and they should then be able to get that,” Eigil Arff Tarjem explains and continues:
“Now they can go to their bank or even seek out other banks to get a fair treatment because the banks are not going to call and ask if they want a lower interest,” he shakes his head and adds:
“They are a business that needs to create profit. Not friends.”

Defero_Eigil_intextFounder and CEO Eigil Arff Tarjem.


Secure access to your data

Defero saw the light of day in May 2019 in Norway and was later introduced in Sweden. It is free for people to get their own data in both countries.

“To me, it is extremely provocative that a person must pay to access their own data. It’s their data.”

“In Sweden, one of our competitors almost has a monopoly on the data, but still, they charge for it. With Defero, we ideologically choose to be different from that. It must be free to get access to this very important data – and next to educate the population to understand and use it at their advance.”
Instead of demanding the private person to pay for their own data, Defero has advertisements on their website and gets profit from the banks they display on Defero as possible solutions.
“We only want to work with Banks, which also provide their customers with good advice. It is, for instance, not favorable to restrict people from borrowing 50 % of your equity in your house – your most valuable asset. We want people to understand their financial situation better.”

Educating and providing advice

Besides a mission to expand Defero to more countries, Eigil Arff Tarjem shares that they strive to improve the platform.
“We are data-driven, and we can calculate what interest our members should be able to get, but we want to be able to give our members better advice as well,” he says and sums up:
“The overall knowledge on managing private finance is concerningly low, and we want to contribute to an increased focus on that.”
To use Defero, you must access the platform with Norwegian BankID or Swedish BankID.
“We are happy to work with Criipto, whom we feel has the same data values as we do, and is also a minor market challenger and a unique spirit of entrepreneurship. And have competitive prices and great support too.”


With Defero you can gain insights into your own credit rating to help you negotiate better interest rates and obtain the healthiest debt.


Experience Defero

Vist their Norwegian website:
Visit their Swedish website: 

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